Thursday 26 February 2009

Monday 16th Febuary- Editing

On monday's lesson we began to finish the rest of our editing, just adding in the finale match-cuts and so on, so that their will be less to do for thursday's lesson. We finished majority of the editing as it was simple to do because we thought about the editing and the match-cuts in advance when we was filming. But we didn't have enough time to include the last couple shots. So because of this one group member went to workshop to add in the last shots.

Thursday 25th Febuary we officially finished the editing by adding the finale extra's. This included the credits, two fades, one at the begining and the other at the end, snap shots to show to the audience that a picture is being taken and to emphasise this we changed the colour to black and white. After this we then started to carry on with the music and sound track, to continue with it by stretching it longer and by making it fit into the oppening of a thriller.

Friday 20 February 2009

Monday 16th Febuary

Monday 16th Febuary me and Ursula met up at Kats house to do the rest of our filming. As the lighting changed from natural to orange at the begining we had to re-shoot a little of the attic scene. There was the part where i had to walk into the shot pick up a camera and then walk down the stairs. But because we had to re-shoot that section Kat forgot the camera and so we had to improvise to try and use a phona as a camera. We also shot more of me walking out of the house and going to follow Kat. As we got outside it was easier to shoot because there was more space but sometimes you would get people trying to get into the shot. Because it's suppose to be me following Kat we had to try and show this by getting both of us in the shot but yet i couldn't stand too close to Kat because then it wouldn't look realistic. To make our thriller slightly different to others we used a lot of point of view shots to show more suspicion to the audience. We also used point of view shots because when it comes down to the editing we want to add snap shots to show that the person is taking a few pictures.

As we moved on to the high road it was slightly harder and tireing to film because it was so busy and some people would ruin the shot and it was horrible having to carry the tri-pod around. It was also difficult because our idea was to show Kat walking in and then out of a couple of shops. We did end up doing this idea but we had to constantly keep showing the shop workers what we have done because it's advertising the shops. We didn't officially finish our filming that day because we don't know how to finish the whole thriller.

Thursday 22nd January

Thursday 22nd January the group was supposed to do some more filming. But because one of the group members became ill we couldn't do any filming because it takes place at her house and as her as the main character. But in the lesson we was told to work on the sound for the thriller. We thought there was no need to because we got told in tutorial to do the sound last. So we worked with what we had and dicided to do the sound for the oppening of the already edited section. Because we started the sound so early we already know what we want for the thriller we just have to edit it to the finale piece.

Monday 26th January

On monday 26th January our group started editing the first section of our thriller. There was slight difficulty in doing the match-cut with me walking on to the camera from one angle to another, because we had to make sure that it was the same foot landing in the other angle. It was also difficult doing the editing as a group because we all couldn't exactly agree on how to edit the whole section. But overall it did come out well but the only problem was that as we saw it overall we noticed that the lighting has changed because it got darker outside and we had to use the light which is more orangey than natural lighting.

Monday 16 February 2009

Monday 16th February

Today myself, Ursula and Solone continued with the filming of our thriller opening. We had been unable to film for the past two weeks due to medical reasons on my behalf so we all agreed to meet up today to catch up. We had to re-film the section where Solone is walking out of the room because the lighting looked very different. Whilst filming we came up with a match cut in order to emphasis a certain action. Overall we filmed quite a large section of our thriller today but we still have quite a bit more to do. We also found it very difficult filming in a public place because of all the pedestrians in the street. The first out door parts were filmed quite good as it was in a quiet area with hardly anone around. We used a variety of shots today including longshot, point of view and close-ups.
As we didnt manage to finish filmign everything that we needed to we all agreed to meet again during the week.