Monday 16 February 2009

Monday 16th February

Today myself, Ursula and Solone continued with the filming of our thriller opening. We had been unable to film for the past two weeks due to medical reasons on my behalf so we all agreed to meet up today to catch up. We had to re-film the section where Solone is walking out of the room because the lighting looked very different. Whilst filming we came up with a match cut in order to emphasis a certain action. Overall we filmed quite a large section of our thriller today but we still have quite a bit more to do. We also found it very difficult filming in a public place because of all the pedestrians in the street. The first out door parts were filmed quite good as it was in a quiet area with hardly anone around. We used a variety of shots today including longshot, point of view and close-ups.
As we didnt manage to finish filmign everything that we needed to we all agreed to meet again during the week.

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