Thursday 26 February 2009

Monday 16th Febuary- Editing

On monday's lesson we began to finish the rest of our editing, just adding in the finale match-cuts and so on, so that their will be less to do for thursday's lesson. We finished majority of the editing as it was simple to do because we thought about the editing and the match-cuts in advance when we was filming. But we didn't have enough time to include the last couple shots. So because of this one group member went to workshop to add in the last shots.

Thursday 25th Febuary we officially finished the editing by adding the finale extra's. This included the credits, two fades, one at the begining and the other at the end, snap shots to show to the audience that a picture is being taken and to emphasise this we changed the colour to black and white. After this we then started to carry on with the music and sound track, to continue with it by stretching it longer and by making it fit into the oppening of a thriller.

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