Friday 27 March 2009

Ursula Thompson
Thriller evaluation

To start out thriller we had to look at the conventions that make up a thriller, we looked at films such as The Shining, 28 days later and what lies beneath. From this, we could see what elements we need to include into our own work. We decide to start our thriller in an attic, as it has a minimalist set and creates a series of questions of what motives the actor has in our film. We also realised we needed our opening to establish the story line without giving away the film plot. We did this by putting subtle hints to what the films about into the opening such as camera clicks and hiding the actors face.

Our media product represents teenagers to adults from the nature of the film; it also represents women to be vulnerable as she is being followed by a man. It also gives a bad representation to black males as portrayed by the actor playing the main role.

I think our thriller film would be a made for TV film or internet downloads, as there are similar films which have been released such as ‘one hour photo’ which may make it unpopular in cinemas as people would have seen a similar film before. It would be funded by a small independent distribution company.

Our thriller is aimed for an audience from late teen to early 30’s, with more interest for men of a middle class status, the overall typical person to watch my thriller is Chris who is 25 who works in an office, who’s taking his girlfriend to the cinema. It’ll also be a mainstream film, as it the film maybe to specific for a niche audience. As I think it contains everything a good thriller needs to be entertaining.

To attract an audience to my watch my thriller I would put big named actor and actress. This would create a lot of attention towards my film. To advertise I would have trailers shown between 4;30 and 9;30 on main channels such as mtv, channels one to four and the channel it will appear on. I would also advertise on billboards in cities such as London.

From filming my thriller I have realised I need more experience using the camera, as it would take two or three attempts to get the shot right. Also the lighting was a problem, as we were filming on different days the weather would influence how strong the light was meaning the takes didn’t flow as the lighting would change. The editing side of our thriller was a lot easier then the filming as I had a better idea of what I was doing on the computer. Throughout making our thriller we have used the internet, as we have blogged our process and what we did. Using the internet has broadened our audience by using programmes like Vimeo, Blogger and You Tube.

Through the whole experience of making our thriller, I have learnt so much about the filming and editing. If I was to make another thriller I would make my story board more intricate so I could follow it through bit by bit. I would also have better time management on my group as we had to start late as a member of our team was consistently late.

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