Sunday 1 March 2009

The finale part of the thriller

Friday 27th Febuary Gourgina and I both decided to complete the thriller by adding the soundtrack to it. I started it off by just playing around with the insruments and seeing what sound with what, and by what sounded like a thriller. After playing around i found a violin and an acoustic bass that worked well together and fitted in with the short film. We then tried to find something that was very suttle right at the begining, but because we couldn't agree on what to have we ended up the acoustic bass at the beggining but at a low volume. After figuring out the music we then had to add in the sound which included the door opening and closing, the alarm for the phone and the click for when you take a picture. Adding all of those sounds at the right place was fun and i enjoyed it the most. Seeing the overall outcome i felt a sense of relieve that the opening to a thriller is finally over. But out of the whole experience i enjoyed the filming and the music/sound the most because i find i am better at it compared to the rest of the group.

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