Wednesday 17 December 2008

Monday 15th December

In this lesson with Rebecca we watched short clips from five different films, "What lies beneath", "28 Days Later", "The Shinning", "Arlington Road" and "Collateral". We were also given a table that we had to fill in whilst watching the clips. We had to make notes on the lighting, use of camera, music/sound effects, editing and setting and location. This task was actually very beneficial as it gave us insight into what makes a good suspense thriller. Its not how complex and detailed an idea is but more often taking a very simple idea and adding in effective camera work. The Shinning is a very good example of this. A very simple idea of a boy riding his bike through a hotel corridor, no suspense. However place the camera behind the young boy following him, places the audience in a very vulnerable position as they are unaware of what is going on. Also the way in which that part of the scene was edited was also effective as it was just one long scene so you felt as though you were going along with the young boy.
We also brainstormed the different genres of thriller, which we all found quite difficult. It can be quite confusing when to class a film as a thriller or a horror. It was actually quite surprising how many different genres there are to a thriller and can be so opposite.

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