Friday 19 December 2008

Thursday 18th December

This lesson with Gez was quite similar to the last lesson with Rebecca. Instead of watching short clips from thriller films we watched the thrillers that past students have done. It was an effective lesson as we were able to make notes on what it is that makes a good thriller. I found it really insightful because aspects I thought would have to be included you get no marks for whatsoever. For example I felt that if you didn’t have very good acting in your thriller then it could make your film and all your camera work and editing look quite bad. I was really shocked when Annabel, our teacher taking over Gez, told me that one of the films that I thought had quite bad acting in, got top marks. We analysed everything from the camera work to the editing to the lighting and the positioning of props. This lesson was really helpful and extremely useful because now we know what exactly needs to be done and to what standard. We also found out that having effective fonts for the title and naming the producer director ect is also really effective and that time needs to also be taken on this as well. Before we left Annabel gave us the task of watching some thrillers and coming back and explaining what made them so good.

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