Thursday 11 December 2008

On the 1st December we started our thrillers. We were formed into groups of four, had a tutorial of how to use the editing on the computers and then we were given a storyboard. The storyboard was given for the group to do a practice thriller. It was to show a mystery person using minimum camera shots of 12. Which leads to thursdays lesson 4th December.

On thursday in Gez's lesson we were given another tutorial by Mickey on how to use the camers and the tripods. We learned how to put in and how to take out the battery,how to put them on the tripod without breaking the camera, we also learnt how to do stuff like recording, putting it off and on standby, how to do mid-shot long-shot and so on. We then went into our groups and started to film our mystery characters. We used the camera and the tripod safely whilst filming. But at the same time it was fun and my group have got a lot of bloopers with laughter and such. Throughout the whole camera shots as a whole we never see the characters face. As i had to play the person on the other side of the camera i never got a chance to do much camera work but the other members of the group did a good job. Although i didn't get to do a lot of camera i did get to position the camera a lot onto the tripod. We got our idea that was on paper on through to the camera. The shorts that were most successful was mainly the mid shots and the long shots even though we didn't have a lot of the long angle shots the ones we used were very successful. My most favourite part of filming was the mistakes that happened alot throughout. Mistakes like the lift not coming when you want it to, or it coming on time and someone is in it or even when you're shooting and someone doesn't realise and they end up walking past in the shot. But its fun to look back on when rewinding the tape because it looks funny when seeing the person the the other side of the camera laughing when they're not suppose to and stuff like that. Which reminded me of bloopers you get on a dvd. It showed how much we listened in tutorial because we didn't forget to use the 5 second rule in the process of filming. I learnt a lot about mise-en-scene, because there was times where we had to re shoot somthing because we had a different background than before and its suppose to be set in the same place. So i've learned a different side of mise-en-scene when filming than looking at a movie and analysing. It is harder than it looks because of the clothes and the setting. As we did't get to finish all our shots we had to finish the rest off in todays lesson.

8th December as my group were behind in the filming we had to finish off a couple of more shots. Then we went to the computer room to start the editing. As we did a lot of work on the computer we didn't save by using the command s every 2minutes. Which then bad luck kicked in and the computer crashed and we lost all our work. But on the bright side our group has learnt from our mistakes and now it deffinately wont happen for the actual coursework. Next day lunch time my group managed to fix the short clip and finished the editing.

On the 11th December we watched an action thriller in class. We got the chane to watch Bourne Identity, but we got given a sheet to fill. We had to write down three scenes that show suspence by the mise-en-scene, sound and by the camerra works.

15th December the whole class learnt all the possible differtent thrillers and we learnt what kind of characters will be in each of them and where they usually take place. Then we got to watch 5 short clips of thrillers and we had to write down the camera works, the editing, sound and the mise-en-scene.

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