Tuesday 16 December 2008

Newspaper Practical

Monday 1st December

In this lesson with Rebecca we had a tutorial with Mickey. He went through how to use final cut pro with us and how to plug in the camera and hard drive. On final cut pro was some clips from an already existing film, however they were un-edited. What we had to do was cut and edit them into a sequence that made sense and looked professional. It was a bit fiddly at first but I soon got the hang of it and began to really enjoy it. It was at the end of this tutorial that we were told about our newspaper practice.

Thursday 4th December
In this lesson we were given the task to make someone reading a newspaper look exciting and thrilling. The idea was to make something as simple as reading a newspaper more exciting through the use of good camera work. Before we could start filming, in our groups we had to storyboard our ideas. This got a bit confusing because once we finished our storyboard we kept coming up with new ideas and having to try to find a place for them to fit in. It did make it a bit confusing when we came to filming because we started to get confused where to each clip should go.
When we did start to film I found that really exciting and enjoyed it considerably. I also was placed in a group where we all got on considerably well. This made it far easier when filming. Our idea was centered around a woman murderer, who then reads the newspaper to find her face and story on the front page. I feel that our group did really well in this task because we used a variety of camera angle's and shots. Throughout the whole short film we kept the identity of the woman hidden because we felt that this added far more suspense. One shot which i found particularly interesting was when we did an extreme close up of Solone's eye's. It was a bit tricky trying to keep the camera as still as possible whilst filming free hand.
It did also take us a while to get the hang of where to place the camera for the particular bits we wanted. One major mistake we done was when we were filming Solone walking through glass doors. When the doors were slid shut you could see the reflection of us and the camera, so we had to redo it. This practice filming helped a lot because it familiarised us with the camera and tripod and made us far more confident.
Monday 8th December
In this lesson with Rebecca we had to edit what we had filmed in Geralds lesson. Our group learned a valuble lesson from this. Because we hadn't finished all of our filming and had the last clip to film we had less editing time. We rushed the last little bit and it didnt look as good as the rest of the filming. As soon as we finished our filming we began to edit it all together. We first started by uploading all the clips, which was pretty straight forward, we just had to get the timing right of when to press capture. Once we had uploaded all the clips we started to edit the first few together. All was going well and we all took it in turns to do something. However the one thing none of us done was save our work. Our computer then all of a sudden crashed and we lost everything that we edited. There was a moral to that lesson, save your work everytime you do even a little bit. We had no time to start again as it was the end of the lesson. We had nothing to show fo all the filming we done. So we all decided to go to the afternoon workshop the next day.
Thursday 12th December
Today's lesson was quite relaxed. We had to watch the film 'The Bourne Identity' starring Matt Damon. We had to make notes on moments where suspense is created.

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