Sunday 4 January 2009

The Shining Homework

The phycological thriller the Shining uses lighting, use of camera work, music/sound, editing and setting/location to give an unexpected and spooky atmosphere to the audience. The lighting is a bright white light that shows everything in the shot to the audience. The clear light also sets the atmosphere because it sets the scene of the hotel. As hotels always have a clear light on in the corridoor. The setting of the short clip is in a hotel. The hotel shows that its a public place even though there's some behind closed doors, but a hotel can be public or private. There is a range of camera movement and angles in this clip to create suspence. The camera follows the little boy riding through the corridoor which forces the audience to accompany him. The camera does this by tracking behind him as its tracking the motion. When the boy stops the camera shows a mid-shot of the door and the door number. Which shows importance to the audience for later on in the movie. The boy looking at the door shows this through a tilt of the camera. Which makes the audience feel vulnerable as we are looking at the door through at a low angle, which makes us feel like the protagonist in the clip. The music is creepy and slow with the instruments of a piano and a violin. The slow music gradually builds up a bit faster and louder which creates suspence and makes the audience feel anxious with what's about to happen next. The sound is important because without it doesn't give the same effect with whats going to happen next with the audience. The editing shows that its a thriller because it shows the wholebuilding from the outside then it cutes to the inside of the hotel by showing the little boy on his bike. Then the audience sees the boy getting ready to open the door but it then cuts to the little girls for a couple seconds then cuts back to the little boy. This shows that its a thriller because it builds up to make the audience jump.

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