Friday 9 January 2009

Match cut practice session

On monday 5th January our class had a tutorial on how to plan a match cut. We did this by Marrisa giving the class a synopsis and a sheet to fill in. We had to write down all the camera shots and how we would edit the short story clip, of a man walking into a room, and transffering a file onto a CD whilst smoking, and then walking back out the room. Doing was quite hard because you had to picture all the movement mentally within 20 shots, and i could have made a couple of mistakes with but i think that only i would know what I'm talking about. But yet doing this helped with the next task we had to do on the thursday.

 The task we had to do for thursdays session, was we had to to them. Doing this we had to use a range of camera shots to show this. After we then had to edit all the shots to make a short clip. The task i got given to do was the camera work with another person in the group and telling Georgina how to walk through the door and how to sit down and where to stand. So that it would also be easier when it comes to the editing.

I was happy with the camera work i thought they all worked well. I personally thought that the most successful shot was the hand held over the shoulder shot. It was quite hard to do because i had to walk with the camera and try and keep it still to make sure that it stays as an over the shoulder shot, and try and makse sure that it doesn't become a close-up. There was a couple of wide- shots that didnt work because we thought the camera was at the wrong angle. So we didn't end up putting it in the small clip.

Editing I find is the hard part because its everyone ageering together and getting all the different camera angle shots to mesh together. Starting it off was the quite alright you just start off with a shot you think you want, but it's untill you move onto the next clip trying to make it fit, so you have to go back to the previous shot to make it all fit. After starting you then beggin to get the hang of it and that's when it starts to get easier. In total the short film made sense and because of that i think that it was successful. The only problem is that for a short film our groups clip was way to short it was only 14 seconds. So i think we need to work on our timing for the real thriller so that we can spend a decent amount of time on the filming and on the editing.

I did learn somthing about mise-en-scene, even though we had to film in a classroom that was previously used we had to try and avoid it out of the camera shot. But yet doing that we had to work with what we had in the classroom eventhough we had students dissplay in the background. We still tried to add abit more mise-en-scene through the camera by re-arranging two tables in the classroom and by giving Ursula a magazine to look at with Johny Depp on the cover just in case we see that through the shot. Because its suppose to be two young girls in a room and to also show that we gave her that specific magazine.

The group didn't manage to create any element of suspense because we didn't get to finish our clip. We spent too much time on showing a certain person in the group on how to walk through the door so that it will look certain way when it comes to the match cut. But unfortunately that person wasn't getting it right which then wasted time.

We didn't forget anything when it came to the filming and the editing. For example we always remember the 5 second rule, to wait 5 seconds before and after each shot. And with the editing learning from our previos misstake we remembered to save every 2minutes.

As i said before, because wd didn't get to finish we didn't get to show any tension or conventions of a real thriller film.

The feedback of our teacher Annabel was that we did the match cut very well but it was a bit short. And that for the real thriller that we have to do, to just watch the time so we can get everything done without it being rushed. Which i agree a lot with her I thought we did the match cut very good and that we need to be aware of the time for the next time.

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