Friday 16 January 2009

Thursday 15th January

In this lesson we had to pitch our thriller idea to the whole class. We were given the first hour and half to finish up on any planning that we had left so that in the second half we were all ready. While we were running through our pitch one of the technicians was looking at our idea and thought that it might be a bit complicated. He showed us examples sent from the exam board and how simple yet effective they were. He then presented us with a new idea, it was interesting and as a group we took it on board. We had worked so hard preparing for our original idea that we had become attached to it. When it came to presenting our thriller opening we went with the idea that the technician had told us. It didnt go too well as we weren't prepared at all. However we done our best and just about pulled it off. After the lesson though we were all talking about our idea with one of our teachers and we all feel more comfortable goign with our original idea. I think we would just make some slight adjustments to make it that bit more simple but apart from that the main idea will stay the same.

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