Wednesday 21 January 2009

my preliminary film

On monday 19th January we went straight to the computer room to have a tutorial on how to use the sound on the computers. For a practice and for a better understanding we took certain clips from the James Bond film ,Casino Royal, and had to watch and then add the sound to it after. We then got the chance to add diegetic and non-diegetic sound to our past filming we did in the classroom. It was quite difficult but it can be very easy to understand once getting used to. I had a reasonable footage of added sound to my short film but it wouldn't upload to the blog. But it doesn't really matter because we still have an example of Kat's one on the blog to represent our groups work.

On thursday lesson the group started filming at Kat's house, because she has the write setting. We thought that we could get the scene's in the attic first and out of the way so that it would be much easier. As we haven't got enough time in total we planned to film in order of the storyboard so that we can edit as we go along. Filming was quite difficult because we had to clear out the attic to think about the mis-en-scene. Doing the filming with the group was fun. Because it's abit more easier when you don't have a time limit. It was also interesting because as i am the protagonist i got the chance to dress and act like a boy. Which was good because the character is a boy and it's one of those things that has to be done.

On the friday we took out the equiptment to use for sunday. This included the camera, the battery, the tri-pod, the light and the light stand. Filming on the sunday was just finishing off the routine with the boy in the attic. This time we was racing against time, because we started later than thursday. Because we started later it started to get darker outside so we then had to use the light which was quite difficult because we kept thinking about if the lighting would match from the previous day. Compared to the natural lighting that we used before the lighting that we used looked too orangey and before we could see shaddows. But overall we did end up finishing the first part of our thriller.

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