Saturday 17 January 2009

Monday 12th January

On monday we were given the task as a group to think about our pitch idea for our thriller. As a group we have to be ready to pitch our idea to the rest of our class members, our teachers and the technitions.But before this happened we were given a sheet by Rebecca to think about key features we should think about. This included mise-en-scene, editing, sound, lighting, camera-shots, setting/location, audience, a story board and a production schedule. As a group we also had to know ourselves key icons in a thriller that we should include in the opening of the thriller. In the lesson we had already thought of a very brief idea of the begining of a thriller. But because we ran out of time as a group we decided get together on wednesday to be at the workshop, so that we would be ready for thursday's lesson.

Wednesday 14th January we all attended the workshop like we planned and worked on our preparation for thursday's lesson. We used our brief idea and then we then just worked mainly on the editing, sound, lighting,camera work, setting/location and the storyboard. Doing this we listed numbers from 1-18 which was the number of shots we were using. We went through the story slowly and bit by bit so that we can go through and write down what is happening in each shot (mis-en-scene). We did it like that in that format so that i can take it home and draw out a storyboard that we all agree on. We spoke about the lighting, it being a natural light as the original thriller idea was going to be mainly set outside. In the workshop we also decided on our production schedule, we spoke about what days we can all work together out of lessons. As a group we gave each other homework to write in neat and with more detail on the key media conventions. I was given the task to draw out the storyboard so that we have something to follow when it comes to the filming and the editing, as we decided to write down and draw out how it may possibly look but in 2D. So that for the next day we will be ready for our pitch.

Thursday 15th January the group was slightly nervous on talking to the whole class. But i was confident because we had all our ideas sorted out from the previous day. But then one of the technitions entered the room to see about every groups idea. He then got to our group and then said to us that our idea sounds to complicated. As a group we did dissagree with him, but he then explained and said that some of the best AS oppening to a thriller coursework are the ones that seem very simple. So we thought about it and decided to keep the same concept of the idea but to just change the camera shots and to take out varius shots at the begining. In the end we still liked our final opening to a thriller idea but the group and I found it quite frustrating because we whent through all that work and spending ages drawing out a storyboard for it to be scrapped. It was also very annoying because it made us more nervous to pitch our idea to the class because it seemed like we wasn't ready because we didn't have a story board written down we just had it written down mentally. But before that we spoke to our teacher Annabel so that she has a better understanding of our idea than the rest of the class.

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