Friday 23 January 2009

Thursday 22nd January

For this three hour lesson we decided as a group that it would be more effective to film our attic scene. We had to take out the camera equipment the night before(wednesday) so that it was all set up and ready to film on Thursday. The girls came to mine between 9, 9.30ish and we filmed for two hours solid. I feel that this is one of the best filming sessions that we've ever done. We got straight on with it and didn't waste any time. We started from the beginning of our thriller so that way we didn't get confused. A particular shot that we found quite difficult was the over the shoulder. This was because we were trying to film a picture on a mobile phone but the screen was too bright and we found it near enough impossible to do. The picture was coming up as part of an alarm and I think this is why it was so bright. When we opened the picture up in the gallery it was much larger and easier to see, so we decided to film it this way. We had hoped to complete the filming of the first part where the boy is getting ready before leaving the house but we had about 2-3 more shots left. Because we wanted to have all of this done and ready for Monday's lesson we all decided that we will go to my house on Sunday. That way we can edit and put together the first few shots.

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