Wednesday 14 January 2009

Monday 12th January

This lesson with Rebecca was an extremely vital part of our thriller coursework because we had to plan for our pitch. We have to pitch our idea for our opening sequence to the whole class, our teacher, and the technicians in our next lesson. We were given an hour and a half in Rebecca’s lesson to come up with our idea and plan how we are going to pitch it. There are eight key areas that have to be included in our pitch, which are, key images and icons, the settings and locations, lighting, camerawork, music, audience, a storyboard and a production schedule. We as a group spent a lot of time discussing what our opening sequence would be and how we would create suspense and tension. To begin with we noted down our ideas and then moved on to the setting and location, lighting ect.
Unfortunately, we ran out of time and were unable to complete the planning for our pitch. We had all taken down notes on all the key areas and agreed to meet during lunch to complete it all.
I think the pitch will be our biggest challenge because most of us in the group myself included are daunted by the idea of standing in a room full of people and having to stand up and give a presentation.

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