Tuesday 27 January 2009

Sunday 25th January

Today the girls came to mine so that we could finish off the filming that we didn't quite get to finish on Thursday. This consisted of a close up of the mobile phone and Solone walking out of the room and down the stairs. The close up was quite quick and easy to film, we found it easier to do this holding the camera rather than on the tripod. However we had to film Solone walking out of the room quite a few times. This was because we couldn't keep up with the movement of Solone's feet so it didn't look right. Eventually though we got a shot that was better than any of the others that we had done. Because we still had time left we decided to film the very end of our opening which is where the camera pans across a lot of images of one particular girl. We all agreed that this shot worked really well and looked so effective when watched back. Once we'd got that done it started to get quite dark so we couldn't film anymore.
At times we kept forgetting that we'd left things out that shouldn't be in the shot and had to re-film but that only happened once. We also needed to have Solone picking up the camera of a side table as she walks out of the room. However we didnt have a side table and spent ages trying to make a laundry basket look like one. In the end we stopped that and I went and got a stool from my living room that worked quite well.
Overall this filming session was quite successful as we filmed everything that we needed to get done and even our ending.

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